What I Thought: It was bloody and gory without being over-the-top or ridiculous (Dead Alive anyone?). The story, acting, and effects were pretty good for what would be considered a B-Movie today.
Voodoo is cited as the cause for bringing the dead to life in Zombie. It's actually a better explanation than many zombie movies since it carries the historical backing. The Voodoo faith is commonly considered to be the origin of the zombie myth itself, though zombies are believed to be more a feature of rural Haitian culture than actual Voodoo practice.
Oh, I was talking about a movie wasn't I?
Zombie is a decent zombie flick although I didn't honestly think it was any bloodier than movies like Dead Alive or Dawn of the Dead. As for general plot and story, the movie didn't fall short of the genre standard for plausibility, but that doesn't say much. Zombie definitely didn't excel either.
Highlights: Topless SCUBA scene gives way to a bloody underwater fight between a zombie and a shark!
Who Should See It: Cult movie fans and classic horror buffs.
How Soon: Take your time. Zombie came out in '79 and it won't be going anywhere for a while.
Zombi 2 (25th Anniversary Special Edition 2-Disc Set)
Wow! I think I'd have to watch it just for that highlight scene!
Dead Alive is not ridiculous! Take that back!
I'm sorry babe, but I'm not taking it back. Dead Alive is definitely ridiculous. Ridiculously awesome! ;-)
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