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No Peeking!

Monday, June 25, 2007

1st Week!

Well, this marks the first whole week of operation for The Movie Slut.

I've posted reviews for 14 films already. Yes, I watched them all last week. No, I won't always have the time to watch that many movies. I did want to kick the site off with a bang though. I feel I've succeeded.

Thanks to you guys, The Movie Slut has had over 50 unique visitors in it's first week of operation and I'm pretty happy with that number. You've come from Europe, Africa, India, Australia, and the right here in the U.S. to check out my site and I thank each and every one of you. I encourage all of you to keep coming back since I watch a ton of foreign films (El Espinazo Del Diablo, Tsotsi, Samrat Ashoka, and Priscilla to name a few favorites you may recognize) and it's only a matter of time before I watch another one from your country! I apologize that I can only post in English, but we stupid Americans don't usually bother to learn a second language.

*I actually do know quite a bit of Sign Language, but that probably wouldn't help any of you too much...*

You've come looking for movies, trailers, and sluts (should've expected that one) and I welcome you all. As a matter of fact, why don't you leave a comment if you wish. Tell us who you are, where you're from, and what you're interested in. Hell, give me a movie recommendation and I'll be sure to check it out!


Brandi said...

NY Diva here, hailing from the other end of your couch. :) I like all sorts of different movies but rarely watch movies.

You know what you should watch? Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead. It's a classic! I'll even let you borrow it, it's in the library, go grab it and watch!

Jarvis said...

Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead eh? Well, I've never seen it. Maybe I will give it a shot sometime. :-)