War, Inc. - 2008
What It Is: Witty satire on the privatization of the military.
What I Thought: Equal parts funny, thought-provoking, and scary!
What I Thought: Equal parts funny, thought-provoking, and scary!
Robocop - 1987
What It Is: Old-school ultra-violent sci-fi action movie.
What I Thought: I watched some graphic shit as a kid, and still love it today!
What I Thought: I watched some graphic shit as a kid, and still love it today!
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - 2008
What It Is: The first Indy movie in 19 years.
What I Thought: Just as awesome as the originals, and Shia was cool too.
F*ck - 2005
What It Is: A fun and funny documentary on a very flexible word.
What I Thought: A lot of really fucking funny fuckers enter-fucking-tained me.
What I Thought: A lot of really fucking funny fuckers enter-fucking-tained me.
Fool's Gold - 2008
What It Is: Adventure film with the dim-witted but lovable McConaughey.
What I Thought: A dim-witted but lovable film.
What I Thought: A dim-witted but lovable film.
The Edge of Heaven (Auf der anderen Seite) - 2007
What It Is: A gritty drama by the director of Head On.What I Thought: Visceral, but not quite as cool as Head On.
YOU watched Fool's Gold? Weird.
And I agree on The Edge of Heaven. Maybe the awesomeness of Head On dulls everything else in comparison.
You won't believe it but i watched robocop for the first time only about a month ago and was instantly hooked. Sad part was that i saw robocop 2 before i saw robocop one, so kinda spoilt the action.
But anyways, i loved it so much that i had to end the movie with a blog post. :) hehehe
Infact, just yesterday finished the robocop game on the PSP as well, love em !!
I think, Robocop is still the best movie about robot.
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