Why I Watched It: Cause the only thing better than Transformers during the first 8 or so years of my life was GI Joe.
What I Thought: Fan-fucking-tastic!
The plot was expectantly thin, but it certainly held up well enough. The special effects were phenomenal. The action was really good. Even Michael Bay's pretty weak attempts at drama managed to succeed once enough humor had been used to form attachments to the characters.
This movie was Transformers in all of its retro glory. They were still aliens from the planet Cybertron. They retained all of their old personalities from the show. Even the fan favorite Bumble Bee still held on to his 80's flavor, despite his modern incarnation as a Camaro.
*grumble, grumble*
The actors were all satisfactory with the vast majority of the movie falling to Shia LaBeouf, John Voight, and Josh Duhamel.
I think the star of the show, however, was Optimus Prime. Prime had less screen time than Bumble Bee and much less than any of the human characters, yet he was still the cherry on top of the entire production. Prime was voiced by Peter Cullen, a renowned voice talent that's lent his abilities to several cartoons and video games. Peter Cullen's most famous role was actually on the original Transformers cartoon, as Optimus Prime. It only took about 3 lines of dialogue for me to recognize the voice heard so often when I was a kid. The familiarity of Prime's voice tied the bow on the entire package. Transformers isn't a re-interpretation of a beloved kid's show, it's an almost literal transfer to the big screen. And it rocked!
Lastly, I should mention the movie was really fun, and funny! I was surprised how much humor they used and how much of it actually worked! Kudos Micheal Bay, I won't doubt you until your next Pearl Harbor.
Highlights: The original voice of Optimus Prime!! Hugo Weaving as Megatron, another hilarious performance by John Turturro, bad ass effects, genuinely funny bits, and awesome CGI depictions of Transformers relieving themselves!
Who Should See It: Sci-fi or action fans. Car guys. Fans of the show. Anyone that has EVER owned a Transformer toy!
How Soon: See it on the big screen. See Transformers, or maybe Die Hard, or maybe both. They're definitely the biggest and best action movies this year!
Wow... didn't think the movie would end up being that good, especially with all those old Transformers cartoons from back in the day still in my memory. :)
And is it weird that whenever I hear the word "transformer" I think of you? You as little, little boy playing with them all the time. ;)
Thanks Tara. Thanks for attempting to embarassing me on my own blog.
You've got one too, you know? Don't make me come over there! ;-)
Transformers was a major part of my childhood, regardless of the fact that I am a chick:) I haven't seen it yet but, my best friends main complaints were the sometimes silly dialogue (did we expect different from Michal Bay?) and the fact that Optimus' mask was left off for almost the majority of the film. I want to see this... but I want to see Die Hard more.
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