What I Thought: I've seen all shorts available on AtomFilms so far and they're all hilarious! They involve all sorts of everyday situations and show you what would be said if people were totally honest with each other.
I'm even a supporter for brutal honesty, but these little gems show you that some things are just better left unsaid.
Highlights: Too many to mention. Every line of dialogue in each 1.5-2.5 minute short is well thought out and precisely delivered. You've really got to see 'em to believe it!
Who Should See It: Well... you. Didn't I just tell you to watch them?
How Soon: How about right now? What the hell else are you doing, reading blogs? Just click the titles below to get started!

Honesty: Wedding
And now, Carly and Dan will exchange their own poorly written vows...

Honesty: Black Mailman
This handshake differentiates him from all the uncool white people.
Honesty: Bathroom
It's important that no one he works with knows he actually poops.

Honesty: Date
Something thoughtful, and unexpected, and nice — that is so creepy!
Sounds right up my alley! Can't wait to check 'em out. And I hadn't made the connection between film shorts and "flash fiction" before, which is one of my favorites to read and write.. precisely because each word does have to be carefully thought out and packed with a big punch.
You're gonna turn me into a big fan of video shorts! Thanks for the referral. ;)
Tara, short films are actually perfect for your busy girl lifestyle. I have a few favorites so I think I'll try and review 1 of them each week or so.
I'll link to them somewhere online as well, so anytime you want you can just click the "short" genre and enjoy some high quality instant entertainment!
*Gotta go watch another movie so I can remain a Movie Slut and not just a Short Slut...*
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