Why I Watched It: Because it looked fucking awesome!
What I Thought: Fucking awesome!
Bruce Willis returns as John McClane and reminded me how much I loved his one liner spewing, smart-ass, hard-as-nails, "Yippee-ki-yay" attitude. John McClane is not another cliche of an action hero, McClane started the fucking cliches! A much older Bruce Willis still managed to take my breath away and deliver a powerful, but meaningful performance.
Meaningful you say? In an action movie?! Yes, hypothetical reader, meaningful indeed. LFoDH was peppered with family relations drama since McClane's daughter played a prominent role. McClane also had several talks with his hacker sidekick about heroism. Their talks about why McClane does what he does reminded me of the "great power = great responsibility" speeches from Spider-Man and other superhero movies. Although, I actually felt that LFoDH packed a stronger punch than those because McClane's not a superhuman. He's doing the same job but he's just a regular fucking guy, albeit a very lucky one.
I think a few other performances deserve special mention befor I forget. Justin Long was a believable and funny sidekick hacker. His fear of violence and witty commentary was a good foil for McClane's mostly strong and silent type. Timothy Olyphant was a nice domestic change of pace from the usually foreign Die Hard villains. I can't stress how impressed I was that the "terrorist leader" wasn't Middle Eastern and that LFoDH wasn't choking with forced patriotism in the post-9/11 nationalism that's squeezed into so many other recent action movies. *cough, Spider-Man, cough*
Speaking of action, Live Free or Die Hard was glorious! The stunts were some of the biggest I've seen and my nerdy little brain was struggling to figure out which parts were stages, which were on location, and which were miniatures. *Did they really bring blow up a highway?!* They would have had to use a green screen for a lot of that stuff, but this guy sure didn't notice.
A quick hop over to IMDB shows that LFoDH is actually PG-13! I never would've have guessed it and I guarantee you won't notice. I can't wait for the DVD so I can slide #4 right behind #1 and just pretend like 2 and 3 never happened.
Highlights: Incredible action, Kevin Smith's hilarious role as Warlock, and all 100 of McClane's threats of bodily harm!
Who Should See It: Action movie fans, Bruce Willis fans, guys, and anybody else that likes to see lots of shit blow up!
How Soon: This one should DEFINITELY be seen on the big screen! Theaters were built for movies like this!
Holy freaking geeze! The movie was awesome! Everyone needs to go see it, and I mean everyone. Old people, young people, cats, dogs, babies, communists, republicans, ferns, if you're alive, you should see it.
I mostly agree with Grog. The movie was awesome, but I'm not sure if everyone should see it. Especially not ferns. Ferns have surprisingly shitty taste in movies.
Fern, if you're reading this, make like a tree . . . and get the fuck out of here!
I can't fucking wait to see this! and Ratatoille.... 'cause that's just how I roll.
I think you might be alone on that last one...
Oooh, I'm sold! Had no idea there's a new Die Hard out now, but I definitely have an affinity for the series as they were some of the most memorable movies from my childhood. Can't wait to see the most recent!
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